Scoops and filter elements
Want that retro old skool look for your intake?Want scoops,but got scared
away from using them because they were open to all kinds of problems?The Rat Rod king can help! I came up with these scoops
in the late 50's for my '49 ford. I've never seen any ads for these in any of my old car magazines,and always wondered why
nobody had anything like this.Up until now,nobody had
a way to add any kind of filtering to them.Some guys used a piece of screen,but that only kept birds and small children
out of your engine.Dust and grit still passed right through and wore on the cylinder walls. We came up with a better way!
Our filters are stainless steel and the filter media is a fire retardant polyester.They are washable ,too! These elements
and scoops fit carbs with 2-5/8" necks- -all the cool carbs are this size.Rochester 2gc,Holley 94,and Stromberg 97. Scoops
are die cast and chrome plated.
Scoops SCP-1 $20.95 each ($5.50
shipping $1.75 each additional )
Filters AF-1 $12.95 each
($5.50 shipping -up to 3,
shipping if ordered with scoops)

Dice air cleaner nut
Fits 1/4-20 thread.Available in red,white,black,green,and blue.Please
specify color.
ACD-5 $3.99 each

We are now an authorized dealer for FOKKEN
hot rod parts.I had approached these guys to build a line of high quality vintage retro styled parts that would be made in
the U.S.ofA. These are the first of the line - more parts are in the design stage for future production,so keep
5/16 or 3/8,transparent,and transparent
with inner reinforcement braid
Comes in 6 ft length. ($5.00 shipping up to 2 pieces)
FL 5/16 or FL 3/8 $12.99 Clear RED or Crystal
FL reinforced 1/4,5/16.or 3/8 $13.99 Clear RED or Crystal

Our reinfoced fuel line can also be used for
oil lines!
****Check the temperature and burst specs carefully
to determine the safe range of your intended use.
