Our own lovely Alice----
In addition to making our Rat Rod jewelry,Hot Rod Trophies,and
Hot Rod business card holders,has decided to be a striper
STRIPER,not Stripper! Alla you guys got dirty minds,or what?She's not yet in the same class as the famous pinstripers
of the 50's,or the new guys of the rat rod revival. Von Dutch,the guy that is said to have started it all,Tommy The Greek,Dean
Jeffries,Larry Watson,Franky Bird ("The A-rab"),The Englishman,and others that played such an important role in shaping the
Kustom Kulture.
Let's not overlook the new guys,either.Where would we be without those that carry the torch today?Skratch,Caffiene,Hot
Rod Walt,Jalopy,Stella,Anthony White,and our own lovely Alice--Von Bitch
Rat Fink is a registered trademark of Ed Roth
This page is just to show some of Allie's past work.You can go to our
Garage Art and home Decor section to see items that are currently available,or our E-Bay store.
E-mail us if you want to send one of your treasures to be striped.
Allie spent all day on the shop toolbox...........
